
Say hello to Pearl! Our resident salad queen and excellent namer of cats…

  1. One time I laid my own kitchen floor.
  2. Another time I got pulled out to sea by a particularly heinous tide when travelling in Asia. You win some, you lose some, right?
  3. I named my cat Babycat and I have absolutely no regrets about that. And I won’t be taking questions at this time.
  4. I recently learnt that everyone looks like a rat or a pig. I’ll leave that with you. (I’m a pig, obviously)
  5. My friends call me ‘the salad queen’, which I promise is not as boring as it sounds. Unless you don’t like salad, in which case, it absolutely is as boring as it sounds.
  6. I’ve managed to accidentally drink kettle de-scaler TWICE in my life so far. And live in fear of a third time…
  7. Yes, my hair is naturally curly. Yes, I did eat all of my crusts as a kid.
  8. I don’t have a middle name.
  9. In my school year book I was voted both ‘angel on your shoulder’ AND ‘devil on your shoulder’. Make of that what you will.
  10. I’m very good at delegating. In fact, this entire list was written by proxy by my group chat.

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